Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Step 14 - Chart Stars based on Birth Year (Branch)

As this section involves lots of stars, I will break it up into Part I and Part II.

The stars that are charted based on the Birth Year Branch are as follow:

(a) Tian Ma 天马
(b) Tian Kong 天空
(c) Tian Ku 天哭 and Tian Xu 天虚
(d) Long Chi 龙池 and Feng Ge 凤阁
(e) Hong Luan 红鸾 and Tian Xi 天喜
(f) Gu Chen 孤辰 and Gua Su 寡宿
(g) Fei Lian 蜚廉
(h) Po Sui 破碎
(i) Tian Cai 天才 and Tian Shou 天寿

For this step, you will need your Birth Year Branch.

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(a) Tian Ma 天马

Step 14a - Chart Tian Ma

Step 14a - Chart Tian Ma

Birth Year Branch being Yin 寅, Tian Ma 天马 is established at Shen 申.

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(b) Tian Kong 天空

Step 14b - Chart Tian Kong

Step 14b - Chart Tian Kong

Chou 丑 as its first square (Zi 子), count Clockwise using the Branch Sequence
(Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao....) and stop at the square that corresponds with your Birth Year Branch.

In this example, Birth Year Branch being Yin 寅 (counting stops at Yin which is 3rd in sequence)
Tian Kong 天空 is thus established at the square of Mao 卯.

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(c) Tian Ku 天哭 and Tian Xu 天虚

Step 14c - Chart Tian Ku and Tian Xu

Step 14c - Chart Tian Ku and Tian Xu

Both Tian Ku 天哭 and Tian Xu 天虚 start from Wu 午 Palace.

Move Tian Ku 天哭 Anti-Clockwise (Zi, Chou, Yin..). Establish at Chen 辰.

Move Tian Xu 天虚 Clockwise. Establish at Shen 申.

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(d) Long Chi 龙池 and Feng Ge 凤阁

Step 14d - Chart Long Chi and Feng Ge

Step 14d - Chart Long Chi and Feng Ge

Move Long Chi 龙池 Clockwise from Chen 辰 Palace.
Establish at Wu 午 Palace.

Move Feng Ge 凤阁 Anti-Clockwise from Xu 戌 Palace.
Establish at Shen 申 Palace.

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Monday, November 28, 2005

Step 13 - Chart Stars based on Birth Year (Stem)

The stars to be charted next are:

(a) Lu Cun 禄存、 Qing Yang 擎羊 and Tuo Luo 陀罗
(b) Tian Kui 天魁 and Tian Yue 天钺
(c) Si Hua 四化
(d) Tian Guan 天官 and Tian Fu 天福

For this step, you will need your Birth Year Stem.

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(a) Lu Cun 禄存、 Qing Yang 擎羊 and Tuo Luo 陀罗

Step 13a - Chart Lu Cun, Qing Yang and Tuo Luo

Step 13a - Chart Lu Cun, Qing Yang and Tuo Luo

Pretty straighforward, Birth Year Stem being Jia 甲, thus Lu Cun 禄存 is established at Yin 寅.

Next, establish Qing Yang 擎羊 one square before Lu Cun 禄存,
in this case, the square before Yin 寅 at Mao 卯.

Then, establish Tuo Luo 陀罗 one square after Lu Cun 禄存,
in this case, the square after Yin 寅 at Chou 丑.

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(b) Tian Kui 天魁 and Tian Yue 天钺

Step 13b - Chart Tian Kui and Tian Yue

Step 13b - Chart Tian Kui and Tian Yue

Pretty straightforward as well, Birth Year Stem being Jia 甲,
Tian Kui 天魁 is established at Chou 丑
and Tian Yue 天钺 at Wei 未.

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(c) Ming Si Hua 命四化

Step 13c - Chart Ming Si Hua

The four Transformation Stars, or Si Hua Stars 四化 are namely -
Hua Lu 化禄, Hua Quan 化权, Hua Ke 化科 and Hua Ji 化忌.

There is a fixed set of Si Hua for each of the 12 years (from Jia 甲 Year to Gui 癸 Year). However,
there are slight variations among the various schools. Depending on what your Birth Year Stem
is, the Si Hua are 'attached' to 4 various Stars to 'transform' their attributes.

On a Natal Birth Chart, or Ming Pan 命盘, this set of Si Hua is called Ming Si Hua 命四化.
A second set of Si Hua is determined on a Decade Chart 大限流盘.
This set is called Decade Si Hua or Xian Si Hua 限四化.
A third set of Si Hua is further determined for a Current Year Chart 小限流盘.
This set is called Current Year Si Hua or Liu Nian Si Hua 流年四化

I will touch on this again later on in the site.

Step 13c - Chart Ming Si Hua

As the Birth Year Stem is Jia 甲,
Hua Lu 化禄 transforms Lian Zhen 廉贞,
Hua Quan 化权 transforms Po Jun 破军,
Hua Ke 化科 transforms Wu Qu 武曲,
Hua Ji 化忌 transforms Tai Yang 太阳.

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(d) Tian Guan 天官 and Tian Fu 天福

Step 13d - Chart Tian Guan and Tian Fu

Step 13d - Chart Tian Guan and Tian Fu

Birth Year Stem being Jia 甲,
Tian Guan 天官 is established at Wei 未
and Tian Yue 天福 at You 酉.

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Friday, November 25, 2005

Step 12 - Chart Stars based on Day of Birth

The stars to be charted next are:

(a) San Tai 三台 and Ba Zuo 八座
(b) En Guang 恩光 and Tian Gui 天貴

For this step, you will need your Day of Birth.

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(a) San Tai 三台 and Ba Zuo 八座

Step 12a - Chart San Tai and Ba Zuo

Step 12a - Chart San Tai and Ba Zuo

Born on the 26th Day.

San Tai 三台 starts from where Zuo Fu 左辅 is - Xu 戌 Palace as its 1st square.
Move Clockwise to the 26th square.
Position San Tai 三台 in Hai 亥 Palace.

Ba Zuo 八座 starts from where You Bi 右弼 is - Chen 辰 Palace as its 1st square.
Move Anti-Clockwise to the 26th square.
Position Ba Zuo 八座 in Mao 卯 Palace.

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(b) En Guang 恩光 and Tian Gui 天貴

Step 12b - Chart En Guang and Tian Gui

Step 12b - Chart En Guang and Tian Gui

Both En Guang 恩光 and Tian Gui 天貴 are established one square BEFORE the 26th square.
Thus, 26 - 1 = 25.
Instead of counting to the 26th square, the stars will be established on the 25th.

En Guang 恩光 starts from where Wen Chang 文昌 is - Wei 末 Palace as its 1st square.
Move Clockwise to the 25th square.
Position En Guang 恩光 in Wei 未 Palace.

Tian Gui 天貴 starts from where Wen Qu 文曲 is - Wei 末 Palace as its 1st square.
Move Clockwise to the 25th square.
Position Tian Gui 天貴 in Wei 末 Palace.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Step 11 - Chart Stars based on Month of Birth

The stars to be charted next are:

(a) Zuo Fu 左辅 and You Bi 右弼
(b) Tian Yao 天姚 and Tian Xing 天刑
(c) Jie Shen 解神
(d) Tian Wu 天巫
(e) Tian Yue 天月
(f) Yin Sha 阴煞

For this step, you will need your Birth Month.

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(a) Zuo Fu 左辅 and You Bi 右弼

Step 11a - Chart Zuo Fu and You Bi

Step 11a - Chart Zuo Fu and You Bi

Born in the 7th Month.

Zuo Fu 左辅 starts from Chen 辰 Palace as its 1st square.
Move Clockwise to the 7th square.
Position Zuo Fu 左辅 in Xu 戌 Palace.

You Bi 右弼 starts from Xu 戌 Palace as its 1st square.
Move Anti-Clockwise to the 7th square.
Position You Bi 右弼 in Chen 辰 Palace.

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(b) Tian Yao 天姚 and Tian Xing 天刑

Step 11b - Chart Tian Yao and Tian Xing

Step 11b - Chart Tian Yao and Tian Xing

Tian Yao 天姚 starts from Chou 丑 Palace as its 1st square.
Move Clockwise to the 7th square.
Position Tian Yao 天姚 in Wei 未 Palace.

Tian Xing 天刑 starts from You 酉 Palace as its 1st square.
Move Clockwise to the 7th square.
Position Tian Xing 天刑 in Mao 卯 Palace.

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(c) Jie Shen 解神

Step 11c - Chart Jie Shen

(d) Tian Wu 天巫

Step 11d - Chart Tian Wu

(e) Tian Yue 天月

Step 11e - Chart Tian Yue

(f) Yin Sha 阴煞

Step 11f - Chart Yin Sha

(c) to (f) are pretty straight-forward, so just fill the stars in as stated.

Step 11 (c) to (f)

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